Habitus App

Habitus App
  • my training project for java, spring boot and quarkus
  • habitus will be a fullstack habit tracking application
  • currently in development

About the Project

habitus started as a university projects in the webtech course. Now it is meant to be the training ground for modern Java and especially Spring Boot features. It's also utilising Lombok annotations, which are extremely useful.

Throughout university, we learned a lot of java. I want to pour all of that into this project, but currently my skills are actually a bit underrepresented.


JavaSpring BootGradlePostgres

The Backend is 100% build in Java, with Gradle and Spring Boot. It's running in a docker container and uses a Postgres database. Parallel to that is a keycloak instance running on a seperate container and db.

The Frontend is currently WIP and will be built in React. Formerly this was a mix of Thymeleaf and Vue but the new one will be a SPA served by the backend.